What does the Bible say about The Eucharist? | GrowinGracee🌿

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Hello everyone! Today I talked about the most important aspect of our faith: The Eucharist. It is a requirement as a worshipping Catholic to believe that Jesus is truly present at Mass during Holy Communion. I read through John 6 which talks about Jesus’ clear teaching on this and when we read through this chapter there really is no way to deny what Jesus is saying. It is a very difficult message to comprehend. Many of Jesus’ disciples also had a difficult time understanding this teaching which is why so many turned away. (John 6:66). God gave us this miraculous gift to partake in every week at Mass. This is truly the essence of our Faith and so many do not believe in it. I pray that although we do not get to understand everything on this side of heaven, we will choose to be like the apostles because without our shepherd, we are lost sheep.

“Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life; and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.” John 6:68


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