Meet 2018 NAIOP Chairman Jim Neyer

Описание к видео Meet 2018 NAIOP Chairman Jim Neyer

Watch a short video and get to know Jim Neyer, 2018 NAIOP Chairman.

“It’s a great time to be in the real estate industry. Things are thriving,” Neyer said. “But at the same time, there’s disruption going on. NAOP is a wonderful spot to learn about those disrupting factors and how you can use them to your advantage to advance your business.

As he visits chapters and represents NAIOP throughout the year, Neyer says he is honored by the appointment. “The value of NAIOP is the network of people that you meet,” he said. “This is ultimately a relationship business, and the people really doing the work in real estate are NAIOP members.”

Neyer is a 22-year member of NAIOP, joining in 1995. Throughout his membership, he has given much of his time to serve on the board of directors and executive committee, where he’s led such initiatives as education and membership and government affairs. He is a longtime faculty member in the Center for Education and has been extremely active in his home chapter of NAIOP Cincinnati. Professionally, he has more than 25 years’ experience in commercial real estate, in development, financing and construction. He leads Al Neyer's business development activities with a balanced focus on client business objectives and project deliverables. And as a member of the Neyer Executive Team, he provides hands-on expertise and strategic perspective to drive results for the company and its investor partners.

Welcome, Jim Neyer!


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