C4D Essential Motion Graphics: Morphed Splines

Описание к видео C4D Essential Motion Graphics: Morphed Splines

Join us every Monday in February as Maxon Master Trainers Lionel Vicidomini, Dustin Valkema and Jonas Pilz take us through essential techniques for motion graphic designers, using Cinema 4D and Redshift.

Week 4
Master Trainer Jonas Pilz shows how to use a mixture of morphed splines and MoGraph to create organic effects and much more.

00:00:00 Welcome
00:05:53 Today’s content
00:06:55 X Icon Morph
00:08:01 __ Transition X to O
00:11:05 __ Problems to Morph
00:12:30 __ Matching point counts
00:14:21 __ Start and end point adjust
00:15:40 __ PoseMorph
00:16:22 Q Point direction Spline Point Direction
00:17:00 Q Why 600 points
00:19:43 __ Pose Morph [cont]
00:21:01 __ Drag objects into PoseMorph
00:21:19 __ Absolute v Relative
00:22:35 __ Animate mode
00:23:22 __ Morph Deformer, Fields
00:25:51 __ Randomizing the shape
00:28:50 __ Animating the randomness
00:32:05 __ Create an object with the Spline
00:33:52 Q Morphing among many shapes
00:38:05 Q Morphing Text
00:38:31 Emblem Structure Elements
00:40:34 __ Creating variations
00:42:35 __ Animate the “rings”
00:43:32 __ Taming the effect via Fields
00:45:15 __ Synchronizing animation
00:46:23 __ Example Radial Field
00:48:30 __ Sync [cont]
00:49:15 Deforming a surface via Spline
00:50:30 __ Remesher, tiny triangle
00:51:18 __ Effector as Point Deformer
00:55:18 Q Object on Spline to influence others
00:56:22 Q Deform a Volume Mesher result
00:58:18 Redshift Material
00:59:20 __ Curvature Node
01:00:12 __ Thinking of color as data [math]
01:02:28 __ Roughness
01:03:00 __ Material Blender [dark and gold]
01:03:47 __ Reflect for materials and finetune
01:06:19 Q RS and C4D node system equal
01:07:27 Q Fixing the gap of the X and overlapping
01:10:38 Q Substance on M1 Mac
01:11:22 Housekeeping News, Certification, and Events
01:13:25 Wrapping up and Thank you

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