Joseph Prince is Exposed by Rev Derek Hong, a Singapore Veteran Pastor, to be Preaching Heresy

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For details of this article, read it on my website:

Joseph Prince is Exposed by Rev Derek Hong, a Singapore Veteran Pastor, to be Preaching Heresy by Rev George Ong

Rev Derek Hong is a veteran in the Singapore Church scene. He is also well-respected by many Singapore Pastors.

In his sermon, Rev Derek Hong referred to a Pastor who said that one can still go to heaven even though he has changed his religion.

The Pastor that Rev Derek Hong was referring to is none other than Joseph Prince.

Rev Derek Hong himself revealed this to me.

Rev Derek Hong is well aware that I am featuring this portion of his sermon video in this article on my website.

According to Rev Derek Hong, there were 3 independent witnesses who heard the same thing that was said by Joseph Prince.

But let me revealed another independent witness (4th) who heard the same thing said by Joseph Prince.

He is Andrew Tan, an Ex New Creation Church member for 20 years.

In his sermon, Rev Derek Hong later called what Joseph Prince preaches as heresy.

Indeed, Rev Derek Hong is 100 percent right. There are no two ways about this.

From the Reformation Fathers, the Puritan Fathers and any true Evangelical church, all would have come to the same conclusion – that such kind of preaching is heresy.

This is because this has to do with core teachings such as the Gospel and what constitutes saving faith.

But what is more horrifying is that Joseph Prince is leading the masses to hell
– as many who have been convinced by his teaching would think that even though they have become the devotees of another religion, they are still saved and they would still make it to heaven.

Mind you, what Rev Derek Hong has brought up is only one issue about Joseph Prince’s heresy.

There are many other heresies that Joseph Prince is preaching that I have already brought up and they are found in the Appendix of the article on my website.

If that is the case, how can a Singapore Methodist Bishop and a Singapore Presbyterian Pastor say that Joseph Prince is not a heretic?

Is this not enough for the National Council of Churches of Singapore to act against Joseph Prince?

How can you have a so-called Pastor who is a heretic to be on the same Christian Council?

As many of you may be aware, Rev Derek Hong is not the only one who has declared that Joseph Prince is preaching heresy, many ministers/pastors and Yvonne Tan have publicly declared that Joseph Prince is a heretic.

For details of this article, kindly read it on my website:

Rev George Ong's Website:

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