Switch Longplay [095] The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019) (US) (Part 1/2)

Описание к видео Switch Longplay [095] The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (2019) (US) (Part 1/2)


Played by: Tsunao

Part 2:    • Switch Longplay [095] The Legend of Z...  

Adventure game by Grezzo. Remake of a Gameboy game.

Follow Zelda as his raft gets rekted and he ends up on an island.

Plays like a good ol' Zelda game: figure out where the heck to go, explore dungeon, get item, beat big baddie, get MacGuffin. Many changes from the original!: dedicated buttons for sword, shield, Pegasus Boots, and Power Bracelet (LESS MENU SPAM!), more heart pieces, more secret shells (50 instead of 20/26), a different soundtrack, and a new graphic style (I kinda like the style). Bosses are also changed up a bit to give the okie-doke to players who know this game a little TOO much (for example, you can't sit on Facade and Facade also moves to corners instead of sitting in middle) Overall, it's the same sh'!

This longplay struggles through Hero Mode (NOTE THE SKULL IN THE LOWER LEFT CORNER!) while getting 100%...or something. I get all Heart Pieces (and the Heart Container) aka 20 Hearts, all Secret Seashells (they don't disappear after getting Sword upgrade), all Fairy Bottles, all Chamber Stones (I think), clear ALL Dampe challenges (had to do the last set to even get the Rupees for Chamber Stones lol), do the goddamn Color Dungeon, all capacity upgrades, and even do the Trendy game minigame alot to get the Figures to place around Mabe Village. All the while, I'm trying to no-death hero mode, where damage is taken is doubled (chickened out and got the Blue Mail) and there's NO source of recovery except fairy fountains, Fairy Bottles, and the Magical Medicine. Deaths taken intentionally when I know a medicine is nearby. Why yes, there was lots of file reloading to not take an L.


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