New Aquarium Fish Stock & Aquatics Plants in New Lovely Aquarium & Pets

Описание к видео New Aquarium Fish Stock & Aquatics Plants in New Lovely Aquarium & Pets

New lovely Aquarium deals in Freshwater fishes, Aquascape, Fish food, Fish Medicines, Plants Fertilizers, Fish tanks, etc.

Contact: - 8655544545

Address:- Shop no.4,krishna kuni tower, Rambaug Main Rd, Kalyan West, Kalyan West


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Video Timeline
00:00 Intro
00:33 Red Swordtail, Widow tetra, Veiltail Platinum Angelfish, Tiger barb
01:27 Micky mouse platy, Geophagus, Green Terror, Jewel Cichlids, Convict Cichlids
02:22 Black moor goldfish, Oscar fish, AFR Guppy, Black Ghost fish, Lemon oscar, Albino Oscar
03:08 Molly, Peacock bass fish, Pearl gourami, Veiltail Angelfish, Yellow Parrot fish
03:57 Albino Tiger Shark, Red tail catfish, Neon Rainbow, Veiltail Platinum Angelfish
04:27 Polar parrot fish,Platinum polar parrot fish, Albino Heckeli, Plecos, Gourami
04:59 Rainbow Shark, Albino Rainbow Shark, Silver Dollar Fish, Parrot fish
05:25 Jumbo Head Flowerhorn, Tiger Shark, Flowerhorn, Ballon Moontail molly, Chocolate Molly
06:22 Tinfoil barb, Albino Tinfoil barb, Betta Fish, Red Honey Gourami, Ryukin Goldfish
08:03 Hockey stick, Black phantom tetra, Golden Peru Corydoras, Apistogramma
08:38 Veiltail Zebra Danios, Albino Buenos Tetra, Red cap Oranda, Black moor Goldfish
09:12 Copper Oscar fish, Tiger Oscar Fish, Albino Oscar, Cichlids
09:45 Geophagus, Albino Heckeli Big Size, Flowerhorn, Albino Short body Flowerhorn
10:12 Golden Pearl Arowana, Flowerhorn
10:39 Big Size Platinum Veiltail Angelfish, Red eye red cap Angelfish, Scar diamond Angelfish
11:24 Big size Oscar, Knife Fish, Big Size Cichlids, Oranda Goldfish, Big Size Ryukin Goldfish
12:15 Big Size Silver Dollar Fish, Big Size Black Ghost Fish, Flowerhorn
12:46 Live Superworms
12:56 Anubias, Ferns, Bucephalandra, low tech plants pot wise
14:30 Ballon Short body golden rams, gertrude rainbow fish
14:42 L183 Pleco, L397 Pleco, L264 pleco, L519 Pleco
15:29 Anubias Plants, Bucephalandra, Tissue culture Plants
17:32 Marimo Moss balls
17:41 3fit Display Tank, Manacapura Angelfish, Albino Manacapura Angelfish, Imported fish tanks, Xioli Sunsun Hangon Filters
20:06 Fibre Showpiece
20:30 Closing Part

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