Playing the Unplayable - Intro, CL QT1 w/ WW Hussar, 4 Feb. 2014

Описание к видео Playing the Unplayable - Intro, CL QT1 w/ WW Hussar, 4 Feb. 2014

My Round 1 Video:    • Playing the Unplayable - Round 1, CL ...  

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If you'd like to watch the rest of the series on Youtube, you can find the playlist at    • Playing the Unplayable - Spring 14 Cl...  

A.J. Goldman (PlanetWalls online) is a grad student, a barely semi-competitive Magic player, and the Content Manager of MTGO Academy. He displays his love for competing with marginally playable cards and decks in his series Playing the Unplayable. You can read his full Magic biography at


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