الهروب - ابونا بولس جورج - عظة رفع بخور عشية - السبت 1 يونيو 2024

Описание к видео الهروب - ابونا بولس جورج - عظة رفع بخور عشية - السبت 1 يونيو 2024

كنيسة مارمرقس القبطية الارثوذكسية بمصر الجديدة
All copyrights are reserved ©St Markos Church @2024
جميع حقوق النشر محفوظة باسم كنيسة مارمرقس القبطية الارثوذكسية بمصر الجديدة
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ترانيم وعظات روحية للاباء الاساقفة والكهنة وبث مباشر للقداسات الالهية من كنيسة مارمرقس بمصر الجديدة
اباء كهنة الكنيسة
القمص أنطونيوس امين
القس مينا رمزي
القمص مرقس كمال
اباء الكنيسة
ابونا القمص يوحنا باقي
ابونا القمص بولس جورج
ابونا القمص بيشوي شارل
ابونا القمص جرجس صبحي
ابونا القمص ابرام بشرى
ابونا القمص داود لمعي
ابونا القس فيلوباتير نبيه
ابونا القس ميخائيل لويس
ابونا القس يوسف وهبه
ابونا القس موسى نصري
ابونا القس يسطس ناصف
ابونا القس انطونيوس عبد الملاك
ابونا القس بولا وليم
ابونا القس كيرلس ساويرس
ابونا القس بطرس نبيل
ابونا القس دانيال ناجي
ابونا القس لوقا ماهر
ابونا القس شنودة رؤوف

توجد بالكنيسة اجتماعات وخدمات متنوعة مدارس احد واخوة رب وملاجئ ومرضى وعشوائيات وكرازة ومتزوجين ومخطوبين واسرة مسيحية ودروس كتاب وخدمات الانبا ابرام للتنمية والقديس بولس الرسول للكرازة واجتماعات الراعي الصالح للشباب ومحب البشر وعمانوئيل واسرة محبة والكرمة واجتماع حضن الاب للصلاة والخدمة العام والسيدات والعشية ودورات المخطوبين والمقبلين على الزواج وتوجد ايضا كورسات ودورات تدريبية سواء بمركز الكمبيوتر او مركز اللغات ودروس التقوية لكافة المراحل الدراسية ابتدائي واعدادي وثانوي وثانوية عامة وايضا دروس الالحان

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the One and Only God. The Church is celebrating today the feast of the entry of Christ into the land of Egypt. I will say a few things about this feast. The first thing is that one of the small Feasts of the Blessed Mother, we have seven large Feasts, which begin with the Nativity and end with the Resurrection of the Holy Spirit. All of this has a direct connection to the salvation of man. As for the minor feasts, such as the wedding of the Holy See, the Eucharist, and the entry of Christ, have no direct connection to the salvation of man, so the Church called them the Second Feast of the Blessed Virgin. And the Eucharist. We can celebrate all the Roman and Syrian festivals with the ladies, but the Eucharist of the coming of Jesus to Egypt is the Eucharist of the Eucharist of the Egyptian Eucharist. It has a special taste. The one who said it is Ash'aiah, the one who said that the Lord comes upon a cloud. And all the fathers said that this cloud is the Virgin Mary in her purity, purity, and holiness. And the Messiah came and sat on the earth for approximately three years. Approximately three years. There is no exact time, but in the middle, it is three years. Alright. The Messiah entered the land of Egypt, but where did he flee from? From Jerusalem? Or from Judaism? Or from Bethlehem? Because you know the story that after the Magi went to Herod, he said to them, Tell me where he is so that I can go and prostrate. And you know his intention, that he wants to finish off this little king who will take the kingdom from his descendants. So his intention was evil, and you all know that the angels appeared to Joseph and told him, Take the boy and his mother and go down to the land of Egypt. I want to talk to you today about escape. I have spoken before about escape, but today I will speak through different types of escape. Because not all escape is right, and not all escape is wrong. So today we will do some meditation through the characters in the Bible. and we see that every person has fled. Why did they flee? And we begin to understand spiritually whether this escape is right or wrong. The first type of escape was shared by a man and his son. This type of escape is a man and his son. You won't know how to answer it. But the two of them fled in the same type of escape that they had to escape from, to make things easier for you, is Adam and Cain


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