Triten Norbutse Monastery - "School of the Four Medical Sciences of the Ancient Tradition"

Описание к видео Triten Norbutse Monastery - "School of the Four Medical Sciences of the Ancient Tradition"

Watch the testimony of Tibetan doctors and young students from the "School of the Four Medical Sciences of the Ancient Tradition" of the Triten Norbutse Monastery (Kathmandu)! 👀

We have important updates from our project "Becoming Amchi: a school of traditional Tibetan medicine in Nepal as an opportunity for young people and the population of the Himalayan area".

Since 1996 we have been supporting the monastery with our Long Distance Sponsorhip project. Since 2017 we started this project with the aim of keeping alive the traditional methods of Tibetan medicine and of building appropriate structures (classrooms, dormitories, refectories, warehouses, etc.)

We have just carried out the second phase of the project, that is the construction works of the "School of the Four Medical Sciences of the Ancient Tradition" of the monastery, which protects Bon po culture and religion outside of #Tibet.

The school is a traditional Himalayan medical center, preserving local traditional values, techniques and methods. The construction of a block of dormitories (both male and female), a canteen and the teachers' residence, marks a crucial step towards creating a complete and welcoming educational environment.

This is a wonderful story of hope, healing and tradition 🧡
Thanks to this project we have contributed not only to the training of qualified doctors who will offer quality care to their communities, but we are also keeping alive a legacy of values, techniques and traditional healing methods that have been handed down for centuries and which will reach future generations.

We can't wait to share with you every progress, every success and every milestone of the other phases of this wonderful project.

This video has been realized by Tenzin Choenyi, Project Manager of the Long Distance Sponsorship Project in Nepal


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