NooN and Recessions sharp

Описание к видео NooN and Recessions sharp

I am moving towards the depth of the unknown forms, beyond the rays we can see, in a reality hidden in the darkness of the black rays we cannot see but affected by them.
If we could have seen the black rays, how would the forms emerging through the interaction of different dimensions have been interpreted in our brain in the coexistence of the visible and beyond?
How would the motion and compositions have appeared in white and black?
The first black line, thrown on the white promptly in full excitement, forms the backbone of the performance. Lines articulated by looking at the backbone from different angles, move forward, sometimes with tiny and slow touches, and sometimes fast, long and curved. Lines are con- centrated in some places creating shapes colored in black while they reveal an energetic and abstract whole in other places by being drawn alone or scattered.
In the whole that has been formed, everything reveals many structures beyond the visible which are in deep and tremendous connections.
Sonat Çatal.


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