How to fix timeit.timeit() expects a callable argument; incorrect use can le... in Python

Описание к видео How to fix timeit.timeit() expects a callable argument; incorrect use can le... in Python

Hello, Dedicated Coders! 🖥️💡

We're excited to share with you our newest video, "How to solve timeit.timeit() expects a callable argument; incorrect use can lead to "TypeError: 'float' object is not callable". in Python". 🎥 This series is meticulously designed to arm you with knowledge 🧠 and skills 🛠️ to overcome frequent coding challenges.

Today, we will decipher 🔎 and resolve a common error faced by Python coders: the bit hard to solve timeit.timeit() expects a callable argument; incorrect use can lead to "TypeError: 'float' object is not callable".. Here is a snapshot of the code of the video:

Troubling Scenario: ❗️

import timeit

Unwanted Result: 🚫
timeit.timeit() expects a callable argument; incorrect use can lead to "TypeError: 'float' object is not callable".

Effective Resolution: ✔️

import timeit

Desired Output: 🏁

In this detailed walkthrough, we will illuminate 💡 the underlying cause of this error, and offer a comprehensive explanation: Code1 passes a float to `timeit.timeit()`, which requires a callable (function). To correct, use `timeit.timeit('3.14')` or pass a callable like `timeit.timeit(lambda: 3.14)`. Code2 correctly uses a string statement. 🎯

Ready to demystify the NameError: name is not defined in your code? Click to watch the video now 🎬. If it aids you in your coding journey, kindly express your appreciation by hitting the like button 👍, and don't hesitate to enrich our coding community by sharing your questions or insights in the comments section 💬.

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Until next time, Happy Coding! 🚀💻

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