Microphone shootout Neumann u87 VS DIY U87 clone

Описание к видео Microphone shootout Neumann u87 VS DIY U87 clone

Here we put a bonafide Neumann U87 against The NoMann, my DIY u87 clone by Microphone Parts. We check it out on guitar, drums, vocals, and snare. I built the NoMann from a donor MXL 990 body, using M.P's complete kit(capsule, electronics, and new head basket). But I'd suggest just buying M.P.'s complete kit. No wasting time pulling an old mic apart, and it looks better when it's done.

In every case, you're hearing the exact same performance, with the mics side by side, and far enough out that they are getting the same signal, then played back to back - the way shootouts SHOULD be done. The preamps are my Cranborne Audio Camdens, and in each case the MOJO dial is OFF so the true sound of the microphone is captured.

No whining about my less than stellar playing and gear. The point is if you're hearing bad drum overtones, or ghastly fret squeaks, or flat vocals, are you hearing them the same through each mic, or do they sound different?

Guitar - 1 drumstick out, about 12-14th fret. Mics are on top of each other so they're the exact same distance from the soundhole. This is a critical part of shootouts that people often neglect.

Kick and snare - 6' out, directly in front of the snare and about 3' high to capture the whole kit. I did kick separately from snare/hat because I don't play drums.

Vocals - about 14" out, side by side, with pop filtre.

At the end there is a rough mixed version where I added in my Carvin 5 string bass directly into the Cranborne Audio Camdens with some Thump Mojo added. Fat and delicious.


M.P. is not paying me, as I'm sure you can tell. And if the guys from Micparts read this: pay a studio to do a real shootout like this against the real mic by Neumann, or AKG or whomever on all your mics. Trust me, in the world of studio gear, guys want to hear it against the real thing. It will be the best money you ever spent. The Neumann U87 is Mic #1



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