TBC Classic Hallows End Guide: Epic Rings, Gear, Quests and Headless Horseman Mount

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TBC Classic's Brewfest holiday event might be over but its followed closely by the wicked Hallows End event! We cover everything you need to know about it, the quests, epic rings, loot and the Headless Horseman mount and more!

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Brewfest has come and gone but another opportunity for easy epic gear is about to arrive with TBC Classic's Hallows End holiday event - lets take a look at when it starts, when it ends, epic rings, mounts and rewards you can get with ease.

The Hallows End event runs from 18th October to 1st November giving you two weeks to try for these epic rewards.

We've got three epic rings two are great for casters and one for Attack power classes.

A plate helm which is pretty cool looking with plenty of health, strength, crit and 3 sockets.

The horsemans blade a main hand sword that lets you summon pumpkin soldiers every 10 mins.

Arguably one of the best mounts in the game with an insanely low drop rate so get ready to make your sacrifices to RNGesus.

The sinister squashling pet, cool Halloween pumpkin helm for the RP, and a load of other limited time items with the hallows end flavour such as flying magic broom mounts and jack-o'-lanterns.

There are also two bags that drop from any mobs outside in the open world, the 18 slot bag from anything 60+ and the 16 slot bag from anything 50+.

So to kick things off you'll need to grab the quest The Headless Horseman from Razor Hill or Goldshire - these are daily quests that enable you to summon the headless horseman once per day in the Scarlett Monetary graveyard dungeon. Just like with the Brewfest event you can summon the horseman five times per day and possibly even more assuming members of your party have their summon available.

The Headless Horseman boss himself is quite simple.

Phase 1 is tank and spank until he reaches 1% health which transitions to Phase 2, where his head flys off which you need to damage quickly to reach 65% health or you have to repeat phase 1.

Once the head reaches 65% phase 3 begins which is exactly the same as Phase 1 but with a conflagrate debuff that damages the target for 10% their health 5 times and is AoE so make sure to stay spread for that.

Once the horseman reaches 1% health again you reach phase 4 which is again a repeat of phase 1 but this time he summons adds to the fight.

They don't deal too much damage but will continue to be summoned in until the horseman is dead so either focus dps on him or clear adds down - rinse and repeat until finally at 1% the head flys off again - I know its unreal how many lives this cat has - kill the head and pray to RNGesus.

TBC Classic Hallows End Guide: Epic Rings, Gear, Quests and Headless Horseman Mount,
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