The Survivors Abandoned this Town Overnight...

Описание к видео The Survivors Abandoned this Town Overnight...

On the 6th April 2009, a terrifying earthquake struck the L'Aquila region of Italy.

Many of the towns and villages surrounding the city of L'Aquila were left in ruins, with massive structural damage to buildings. One of those towns, however, stands out amongst the rest.

The town, just a handful of miles from L'Aquila, was so badly effected that many homes were left too dangerous to live in. They were immediately evacuated with entire families leaving their worldly possessions behind.

The Earthquake, which should have been predictable and able to be mitigated against, represented a huge oversight for seismologists in Italy, six of whom were sentenced to lengthy jail terms for their incompetence surrounding the potential of the devastation that occurred that morning.


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