Lucy Decompression Loop

Описание к видео Lucy Decompression Loop

A decompression loop is where you set up enrichment stations with your dog in the presence of those triggers that bother them
Utilize snuffle mats, kongs, boxes with treats, bowls , licki mats
It is useful for over-arousal and fear based behaviors
It is a powerful counter conditioning tool that activates the seeking system in our dogs
Dog choice training
Setting up the environment for success

Alternate ways to use
1) people sitting
2) people sitting and standing - sit -stand -sit - stand
3) movement starting first with parallel path - ensure the dog is relaxed and not showing fear based behaviors before having your helper walk toward Frankie. Always have your helper stop before you see signs of stress.
We are working on changing association that is how Lucy feels about people. Do not change more than one variable at a time

Enrichment is what we add to our dogs (&our lives) to keep our brains active. It keeps our dogs from boredom and destructive habits. A properly enriched animal of any species is a fulfilled one. Dogs have emotions, feelings and thoughts. It is quite easy to provide them with activities to keep their brains activity and a huge benefit is mentally tiring them. I highly recommend you use these types of enrichment activities with Lucy on a daily basis. One meal a day could come from a food puzzle


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