FRÄNDER - Vabadus (Freedom)

Описание к видео FRÄNDER - Vabadus (Freedom)

This song was written to the 25th anniversary of Estonias independence from Soviet Union. What better day to release this video than the day when Estonia turns 100 years old! Palju õnne Eesti!

You can find the track on FRÄNDERs debut album, it was released 2017. 

Üks noor ja ilus tütarlats jäi järel vanempist,
ta käis ja hulkus mööda maid ja palus jumalat
’Oh, mu helde isake, mis pean ma tegema,
Kolm ööd, kolm päeva üksinda siin pimme mõtsa sees’

Vabadus, vabadus,
tulla, olla ja minna,
tõsta pilk siis sa, seal ülal taevakaar
ja tuhandete tähtede maa

Üks hääl siis kostus ülevalt ‘Oh tõuse üles sa
ja mine sinna mäele, seal saab sul kingistus
Üks valge linnusulist kleit saab selga pandud sul, siis
oled sa kui tuviken ja vaga linnuken’

A young and beautiful girl lost her parents
She wandered around the land and turned her prayers to God
’Oh, my generous father, what should I do,
three nights and three days have I been alone in this dark forest’

At last, at last! Oh the sweet liberation!
To live, to come and go at my own command
Oh raise your eyes, there is the arch of heaven,
and the land of a thousand stars

A voice sounded from above, ’Rise
and go to the hill, there you will receive a gift
A white dress of bird feathers will be put on you,
to make you soar like a lovely dove and a pious bird’

Säde Tatar - flute & vocals
Natasja Dluzewska - vocals & fiddle
Gabbi Dluzewski - swedish mandola & vocals
Daniel Dluzewski - double bass & vocals


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