DIY Glam Jewelry Chain Side Table | Using Dollar Tree Styrofoam Rings | Budget Home Decor | 2021

Описание к видео DIY Glam Jewelry Chain Side Table | Using Dollar Tree Styrofoam Rings | Budget Home Decor | 2021

Contact & Shipping Address; 👍🥰
Will Collazo/Will’s DIY On a Budget on YouTube Channel.
51 Emile Ave
Oakville, CT 06779.
Email: [email protected]
No!!!!! Product Private Reviews or Collaborations At This Time Sorry!!!
These DIY’s are meant for viewing, re-creating and entertainment only. 
Not attend for sale 😳😳😳😫😉. 

#DIYHomeDecor #Lamps #Glam

Social Media:👍 Follow Me For Upcoming DIY Previews And Future Giveaways.
1. Facebook:William Collazo   / moon.child.397  
2. Instagram:   / willsdiylightingdecorandmore  
3. Pinterest:    / willcdiy  
4. Second DIY Channel 👍🏽 Will’s DIY 4 Kids YouTube Channel Link:    / @willsdecorforkids  

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Video Link To Flower Bouquet Lamp👇🏼👇🏼
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Remember ! I Upload New DIY Project Videos Every Week!!!!!!!!

Dollar Tree Supplies Needed For Both DIY’s👇🏼👇🏼
1. Marker.
2. Long Metal Ruler.
3. 5 Styrofoam Rings.
4. 4 Small Clear Dessert Bowls.
5. Stones.
6. 5’ Inch Round Mirrors.
7. 5’ Inch Square Mirrors.
8. Foam Board.
9. Clear School Glue.
10. Sponge Brush.

Walmart Supplies Needed For Both DIY’s 👍🏽
1. Metallic Silver Spray Paint.
2. Wooden Rods.
3. Gorilla Glue Sticks.

Home Depot Supplies Needed:👍🏽
1. Electric Hand Drill.
2. 2’ Inch Screws.
3. Hand Drill.
4. Wood Board Sheets.
5. Free Large Paint Sticks.
6. Hand Saw.

Amazon Supplies Needed:👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
1. SATINIOR 3600pcs 5 x 5 mm Self-Adhesive Mini Square Glass, Decorative Craft DIY Accessory Mirrors Mosaic Tiles
2. 24" x 10 ft Roll of Silver(Chrome Silver) Adhesive-Backed Vinyl for Signs, Scrapbooking, Cricut, Silhouette Cameo, Craft, Die Cutters

Music Providers👍🏽
1. Vlog No Copyright Music    / vlognocopyrightmusic  


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