Season 13, Episode 12: Q&A: Your Questions Answered

Описание к видео Season 13, Episode 12: Q&A: Your Questions Answered

The Prophecy Pros reunite with Kari Duffy to address compelling questions from their podcast audience.

Sponsor: Harvest House Publishers. Discover more solid resources about Bible prophecy and eschatology through their imprint, Harvest Prophecy,

Questions: Do you have something you’ve been wondering about? Submit your question on and stay tuned for upcoming Q&A episodes!

00:00 – Introduction
00:55 – Why are we admonished in Ephesians chapter 6 to put on the whole armor of God in order to stand in the evil day if we are going to be raptured?
02:52 – Do you believe the Antichrist will have the opportunity for salvation before end-time events begin?
05:42 – Help me understand all the different lengths of days in Daniel 12 and Revelation.
08:31 – What is your view about hell?
10:58 – What do you think about nations trying to divide up Israel?
14:04 – How would you respond to an amillennialist who claims that a literal 1,000 year reign cannot be true because there will be no need for sacrifices as stated will occur in a literal millennium?
19:12 – Will Christians be watching everything going on during the tribulation from heaven after the rapture?
20:25 – Will raptured youth grow up to adulthood?
22:36 – I heard a teaching that the seven letters to the churches represent letters to each age in church history. Is this something that you believe?
24:23 – What is the context of Proverbs 10: 30?
26:38 – Revelation 2: 17 says that we'll be given a new name. Why are we given a new name?
28:12 – In Zachariah 11: 15-17, a judgment is being made against the shepherds. Is this in reference to the Antichrist after his “deadly wound” from which he will be healed or is that someone else?
30:48 – Which book in the Bible indicates the building of the third temple?
32:32 – In Matthew 24:8, how is “sorrows” in the KJV connected to “birth pains” in other translations? Are these words correlated in the Hebrew or the Greek?
34:16 – Regarding the resurrection of the Old Testament saints, is Daniel 12:2 and Isaiah 26: 19, the main verses used to support their resurrection at the second coming?
36:06 – Do you think the rapture events all take place as fast as “the twinkling of an eye” or could it be a bit longer of a process?

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