Tree bark, tree health, and tree canker treatment

Описание к видео Tree bark, tree health, and tree canker treatment

It is a good idea to take a look at your tree at regular intervals and assess its overall health. The colour of the bark provides a good indication of health. If the colour of the trunk and main limbs is a bright grey shade, you can be sure that there are no drainage problems, and the root system is happy. If on the other hand the colour of the main trunk is reddish, this is an indication that the tree has been waterlogged, and the root system has suffered. In this case the only solution is to try to improve the drainage.
At this time of the year, April, you can check for other diseases that are easier to locate when there are still no leaves, such as tree bacterial canker and ordinary tree trunk canker which is caused by a fungus. If you find canker, use a special curved canker knife to cut it out. Cut away the brownish, canker-affected parts until the wound is entirely green. Then coat the wound with anti-fungal paint. The tree will heal the wound itself. Further information about canker on the RealEnglishFruit website:


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