Abide | Gospel of Luke | Meditative AudioBible | Yeshua Instrumental Worship

Описание к видео Abide | Gospel of Luke | Meditative AudioBible | Yeshua Instrumental Worship

The reading of Luke's Gospel with instrumental music.

For me, instrumental music helps me relax and quiet the noise of the world when I pray. I usually have instrumental worship like the one playing underneath the reading of Luke's account in this video while I read my Bible. It blesses me so much. But I noticed there were no AudioBibles with instrumental worship. So I made this one.


My prayer is you'd hear God's voice as a friend speaks to a friend through the reading of Scripture.

My prayer is Paul's prayer to the Ephesians: "That God may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know Him better," through Christ Jesus our Lord.

My prayer is God would use this reading of Scripture to draw people into or deeper into a loving and real, experiential and reciprocal friendship with Jesus.

"May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth [on YouTube] as it is in heaven," through Jesus, amen.


🎵 Music: @heavenlysoundsworship
📸 Photographer: Eberhard Grossgasteiger

📖 Translation used in this video: New English Translation (NET)

If the reading of Luke's Gospel blessed you in anyway, give thanks to God. It's Him. It's His words. It's Jesus. It's the Holy Spirit. More than a subscribe, a "Thank You" to God is worth so much more.

If you want to subscribe, please do, you are blessed in Jesus' Name. If you don't, you are blessed in Jesus' Name. Either way, you are blessed!

"The LORD bless you and keep you. The LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace. And may His favor be upon you and a thousand generations," through Christ our Lord, amen.


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