Angry Neck Abscess. Incision & Drainage. Packing removed 24 hours later. Great improvement!

Описание к видео Angry Neck Abscess. Incision & Drainage. Packing removed 24 hours later. Great improvement!

First thanks to my patient for sharing his procedure. This was something he has dealt with for many years, recently it became very sore and inflamed. His daughter loves to watch pop videos so she was very excited to be in the room. Textbook incision and drainage of nodule, with flushing, packing, and pressure bandage applied. You can see once the contents and sac particles were removed the inflammation went down almost immediately. He definitely slept a lot better that night! Dermatology Physician Assistant. Dermatology procedure. Incision and drainage. Packing the pocket. Abscess. Ruptured cyst. Thanks for popping by. MrPopZit.


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