Panel Discussion (Day 1, Morning, 5th VPL Biennale)

Описание к видео Panel Discussion (Day 1, Morning, 5th VPL Biennale)

Dr Julie Reddy, University of Johannesburg
Ms Pauline Boivin, Lifelong Learning Platform, European Civil Society for Education
Mr Diego Piazza-Almudi, National Council for the Standardization and Certification of Labour Skills. Consejo Nacional de Normalización y Certificación de Competencias Laborales (CONOCER)
Dr Dae Joong Kang, Seoul National University, South Korea
Moderator: Dr Borhene Chakroun, UNESCO

Jointly hosted by Canada, Ireland and the USA, the 5th Validation of Prior Learning Biennale was held in Kilkenny, Ireland from 6-8 May 2024.

The conference discussed the validation of prior learning in the context of 'People, validation and power: democracy in action?', this year's theme.

Inspired by the traditions of the Canadian Secwépemc Pelkwaílc-kt es knucwentwécw-kt and the Irish Meitheal, participants were invited to "gather", to collaborate, and share, achieving more together than alone as they explored approaches to validation, the systems used and the potential they offer.

They also considered the underlying forces at play, the challenges faced, the solutions developed, and what all of this means for individuals, for societies, for skills, for inclusion and mobility in the bigger picture of our global practices today.

Speaker and session details:


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