Drawing Microscopic Patterns with Electrons

Описание к видео Drawing Microscopic Patterns with Electrons

Today we're looking at Electron Beam Lithography using a scanning electron microscope

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==== More E-Beam Litho! ====
peterbjornx has recently been converting his SEM to run litho patterns. Particularly interesting since it's very DIY (vs the python api for my machine):
  / 1489776638841737217  
  / 1487015399388598277  

And of course the infamous Sam Zeloof did a video on the topic years ago 🙂
   • Making Tiny Things with Electron Micr...  

==== Never Gonna Give You Up :) ====
Never Gonna Give You Up remix by Kingdom Power Music (   • Rick ASTLEY - Never Gonna Give You Up...  )

Kingdom power music
Instagram:   / kingdompmusic  

==== Timeline ====
0:00 Intro
2:02 Electron Beam Lithography
4:56 Substrate Choice
6:02 PMMA Resist
7:47 How do e-beam resists work?
9:35 Development
10:47 Results!
14:18 Dose Dependence
15:06 Resist Thickness
15:19 Substrate
15:22 Accelerating Voltage
16:03 Proximity Effect
17:06 Emission Current
17:35 SEM vs EBL
19:50 Fast Beam Blanker
21:13 PMMA dosing - Positive vs Negative resist
22:21 Next Steps
22:49 Curiosity Rover Wheel!


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