Post Your Path To Your Next Role

Описание к видео Post Your Path To Your Next Role

We had another huge response to last week’s training. Why? Because for many of you, it’s not happening anymore.

Why are recruiters and opportunities not finding you on LinkedIn and reaching out to you?

You’re not posting ORIGINAL content. That’s what the LinkedIn algorithm wants to see from you in order to give you the visibility you crave.

BEFORE you stop reading this because you don’t want to do that, please realize posting original content is EASY to do once you have a plan. In this LinkedIn LIVE replay this Thursday 8/1/24 @ 11am CST you’ll learn how to Post Your Path To Your Next Role. If you’re an executive either actively searching for your next role or wanting to position yourself for when you’re ready to make a change, this is a MUST attend. You know you need a strategy but with the constantly changing job market you don’t know what it is, what’s the best use of your time, or where to start. Doing what you did earlier in your career doesn’t work anymore.

When you tune in to this LinkedIn Live, you’ll get:
💥What types of content should you post
💥A basic content plan to follow
💥My #1 hack to easily posting content

And a bonus at the end of the training to start taking action and get found on LinkedIn.

It will be a short & sweet value packed 20 minutes to help you be found for the roles you really want instead of you having to chase them.

See you Thursday, 11am CST sharp!
P.S. Repost to share with your network too.♻️Thank you!


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