The Real Reason He Came Back To You

Описание к видео The Real Reason He Came Back To You

This video covers why men come back after a breakup or leaving.

Stop letting men confuse you (and learn exact what works with men). Go here:

The biggest questions we get are: Why do men come back? Why does he leave and come back? Why do guys come back years later?

And perhaps one of the most important questions: Why do guys come back after you get over them? Why do guys come back after you move on?

The reason it seems why men always come back has a lot more to do with who you are not than who you are (or were in the relationship).

When it comes to understanding men, a lot of dating advice (and dating coaches) take on a cynical depiction of men, as if almost to suggest that men don't want relationships or that if a relationship fails, it's due to some kind of irredeemable personality flaw on his part.

The truth is, yes sometimes the guy did have an issue that prevented the relationship from working. However, the breakup or his loss of interest often has a lot more to do with ways the dynamic has shifted and these shifts have as much to do with him as they do with you.

And that's good news! It means that you have power and control in improving the relationship dynamic. Not total power and control, but you have control over your side and that can have a great positive impact on the relationship.

This video highlights the different ways how a shift in the overall dynamic and your mindset can have a powerful effect on his attraction for and interest in you (even if you didn't intend for it!).

You won't just understand why men come back after leaving or breaking up with you, you'll understand the hidden psychology that's playing out underneath all of his actions and communications, so you know exactly why it's happening and what to do.

Hope you liked the video and I hope it helps you! If you liked it, it would be really cool if you could leave a Like & Comment (it really helps me out).

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