Dr. Hemu Kafle | अनि, अब with Sudheer Sharma | Ep.09

Описание к видео Dr. Hemu Kafle | अनि, अब with Sudheer Sharma | Ep.09

डा. हेमु काफ्ले Kathmandu Institute of Applied Sciences की अनुसन्धान निर्देशक एवं Centre for Water and Atmospheric Research की वैज्ञानिक हुन् । उनी Organization of Women Scientists in the Developing World को नेपाल च्याप्टर अध्यक्षसमेत हुन् । उनले यस संस्थामार्फत नेपालका महिला वैज्ञानिकहरूलाई संगठित गर्ने एवं उनीहरूको पेशागत दक्षता बढाउने कार्य गरिरहेकी छन् ।

डा. काफ्ले संसारका प्रतिभाशाली महिला वैज्ञानिकले पाउने ५० हजार अमेरिकी डलरको ओडब्लुएसडी फेलोसिपबाट सन् २०१८ मा पुरस्कृत भएकी थिइन् । उनले त्यसबाट खडेरीको अनुमान गर्न सघाउने नयाँ प्रविधिको विकाससमेत गरेकी छन् ।

डा. काफ्लेले जापानको नागोया विश्वविद्यालयबाट पिएचडी गर्ने क्रममा सेटेलाइट रिमोट सेन्सिङ डेटा प्रयोग गरेर “Topography Considered Two-Source Energy Balance Model” तयार पारेकी थिइन् । उनलाई इजरायलको बेन गुरियन विश्वविद्यालयबाट खडेरी र मरुभूमीकरणका विषयमा स्नातकोत्तर तथा इजरायलकै वाइजम्यान विज्ञान संस्थानबाट पोष्ट-डक्टरल रिसर्च गरेको अनुभव छ ।

Dr. Hemu Kafle is the Director of Research at the Kathmandu Institute of Applied Sciences (KIAS), and a scientist at its Centre for Water and Atmospheric Research. She holds a master’s degree in extreme climatic conditions, specializing in drought and desertification, from Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel.

During her PhD at Nagoya University in Japan, Dr. Kafle developed the “Topography Considered Two-Source Energy Balance Model” using satellite remote sensing data. For her post-doctoral research at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, she studied drought in afforested forests, focusing on semi-arid climatic conditions.

Recognized as a Young Scientist by The World Academy of Science (TWAS) in 2014, Dr. Kafle was one of the first women to receive the Early Career Women Scientist fellowship in 2018.

Currently, she is working on assessing and monitoring the impact of extreme climatic conditions, such as drought, on a regional scale in South Asian nations.

Dr. Kafle is also the President of the Organization of Women Scientists in the Developing World (OWSD) - Nepal Chapter. She is dedicated to inspiring a stronger future for Nepalese science by empowering the current generation of women scientists.

» More about her:
  / hemu-kafle-0b88b884  

» Dr. Kafle's journal articles:

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» Our Team 👉🏼
Host: Sudheer Sharma
Producer & Creative Designer: Kalpana Dhakal
Graphic Lead: Ankit Bhattarai
Studio Supervisor: Shiva Ram Shrestha
Camera Crew: Hritik Singh Thakuri & Madan Khadka

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