Switch (Short Film)

Описание к видео Switch (Short Film)

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Two dorm mates agree to switch bodies for a day through astral projection. What happens next will change the course of their lives.
Samuel, nicknamed Sam, is a depressed homosexual with a lot of money he doesn't know where to spend except for the boys he spends the night with. Such nights have taken their toll in his psyche that he would do and give everything to be some place, some time, someone else.

Samantha, nicknamed Sam, is a good-looking lesbian hipster who happens to know a lot of stuff about astral projection. She has been observing Samuel from the unsuspicious and inconspicuous space of her room full of weird things that draw the line of her being a witch or a cult priestess. But Samantha, shoving aside her manliness and her tendency to be eccentric (which is all the time), is beautiful, explaining the hundreds of missed calls, texts, dinner invites, random Facebook chats, and daily flower deliveries from suitors all praying for her to drop that manly cloak.

And she is anything but stagnant.

Samuel needs to get the hell out of there. Samantha craves for something new. They see each other in the hallway: Samuel sending his goodbye to the guy of the night; Samantha picking up the flower of the day.

And she is anything but stagnant.

She starts the conversation. What seems to be small talk between two door mates turns into something daring when she asks, “Kahibawo kag astral? (Do you know astral?)”

Samuel needs to get the hell out of there. Samantha craves for something new. They agree to switch bodies for a day and live each other’s lives.

The day ends and the deal is over.

However, Samuel doesn't want to go back to his body.


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