'Missing You' with Emma Kavanagh

Описание к видео 'Missing You' with Emma Kavanagh

ESTHER The Queen

Have you ever:
Wanted to be singing the songs before you even get up out of your chair at Interval?
Wanted to be moved and inspired by an incredible story?

This is the story of ESTHER The Queen and the King who chose to honour her.

ESTHER The Queen is a climactic 2 act ‘Broadway Opera’ style musical with an epic score, sweeping melodies, big ballads, a bit of pop, and some rap sprinkled in. Book, music, and lyrics by Michael Riggs.
Think Les Mis, Phantom, Disney.
Think ESTHER The Queen.

CAST SIZE 18 minimum
6 Leads
10 ensemble (5 female & 5 male) minimum
2 children (boy & girl)

Woven amongst the story of ESTHER The Queen is political intrigue, betrayal at the highest level, personal ambition and conquest, a plot to assassinate the king, and remorse for past actions.
Growing up as an orphan and refugee in ancient Persia Esther is the most unlikely candidate to rise to the highest estate possible, Queen of Persia.
When a royal decree is announced in search of a new Queen Esther is advised to keep her ethnicity a closely guarded secret fearing she will be rounded up and sent into the palace. Her secret ultimately advances her to the highest position in the land, queen.
Years later the King’s Vizier decrees a law that directly threatens herself and her people.
Could this be the reason of why providence elevated her to Queen?
Yet first she must risk her life and then reveal her true identity to both saved herself and her entire nation.


Esther initially wants what any other person wants, a peaceful and fulfilling life. That is until providence thrusts her from obscurity and the lowest rung of society into to the Royal world crowning her as Queen. When a decree is passed as law Esther must find the courage to speak up and advocate for the lives of her nation, which in turns risks her very own life as she must go uninvited into see the king. She is about to walk through a door where there is no turning back from.

Mordecai - Older cousin to Esther who has raised Esther as if she was his own daughter, poignantly states he will always be with her and encourages her to fulfil her destiny. He wants to remain as a father figure to her and to care for his nation.

Haman - Vizier to King Xerxes wants revenge for the past and also secretly desires to be king. 

Xerxes - King of Persia wants history to remember him for his campaigns and empire building.

Vashti - First Queen to Xerxes wants to go back in time and change her mind from a decision that altered her life dramatically so she could be queen once more.

Jairus - Cupbearer to King Xerxes simply wants some land for his family. Is that too much to ask?

Bigthan and Teresh - Bodyguards to Xerxes want to assassinate the king and reinstate Vashti as Queen for their own political advantage.


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