Rescuing Doc the B29 from the China Lake Bombing Range

Описание к видео Rescuing Doc the B29 from the China Lake Bombing Range

It took a lot of negotiating and help from many volunteers to move the B-29 from its resting place of forty-two years in the California Mojave Desert to a location at the then "Bud McGee Air Park" at the Inyokern, California Airport. It took five days for volunteers and major contributors such as U.S. Rentals , other local companies and a multitude of community volunteers to tow "DOC" the 38 miles. U.S. Rentals, a major contributor and other local companies, as well as a multitude of community volunteers helped tow the aircraft across the hot dusty desert floor and down a major highway. An Environmental Impact Study (which took, six months) had to be made, Cal Trans had to be on hand to give guidance in moving around power poles and cable systems, and the California Highway Patrol was brought in to direct traffic.


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