【睡前鬆一鬆 2】物理治療師Heidi 馮凱怡示範進階伸展助你入睡 Physio Heidi demonstrates Advanced stretching ex to Promote Sleep

Описание к видео 【睡前鬆一鬆 2】物理治療師Heidi 馮凱怡示範進階伸展助你入睡 Physio Heidi demonstrates Advanced stretching ex to Promote Sleep

😴Stretch for Sleep🧘🏻‍♂️🧘🏻‍♀️

Heidi is going to demonstrate a gentle stretching exercise to reduce our stress in order to improve our sleeping quality! The best preparation for tomorrow is having the best rest tonight💪!

⭐️雙手打開肩膊貼在床上 Arms stretching out resting on the bed
⭐️曲膝扭腰至手和下腰有牽拉感覺即可 Lower trunk rotation until you feel light stretch in shoulder and lower back



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