
Описание к видео 燒肉🔥新方法做🎯無需用焗爐❌無需氣炸鍋❌無需光波爐❌簡易🎯親手做燒肉🔥去拜山💐🙏四磅半只須$90🥳七層肉😋五花肉💥爆姽💥港式燒肉♦️重點竅門♦️逐步拆解🎯人人做到♨️色香味俱全🥊好食過燒臘店😋慳好多💰

Just use the most simplest method to make crispy pork. No need to use airfryer or oven. You can make it by yourselves.

Home-made crispy pork belly with a wok

⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


1. 豬花肉,清水解凍。
2. 豬花肉解凍後,倒去水分, 清水沖洗乾淨。
3. 大火煲滾1鑊水,放豬肉落鑊,加入:
a. 粗鹽1大湯匙
b. 紹興酒3湯匙
c. 白醋1湯匙
4. 取出豬花肉,清水沖洗乾淨,廚紙索乾。
5. 豬花肉,打直切幾刀。
6. 預備玻璃盤,加入調味料:
a. 雞粉1湯匙
b. 生抽1湯匙
c. 魚露1湯匙
c. 胡椒粉適量
7. 豬花肉,皮向上,放入調味料內,醃半小時以上,放入冰格1小時,令其水分抽乾。
8. 用不鏽鋼叉在豬皮上輕輕的平均刺小孔。
9. 在豬皮上掃上少許白醋。

1. 大火在鑊內燒熱油300毫升。
2. 放豬花肉落鑊,皮向下,轉最慢火煎,冚蓋。
3. 豬花肉已煎了數分鐘,熄火,檢查豬皮是否已轉金黃色。
4. 冚蓋,傾斜鑊,最慢火煎熟豬花肉的兩端。
5. 兩端已各煎了數分鐘,豬皮已完全煎至金黃色,反轉繼續煎,冚蓋煎幾分鐘。
6. 豬花肉已煎好,放上碟,攤凍。
7. 豬花肉,切細舊。
8. 可配芥辣醬食用。
9. 完成,可享用。

Home-made crispy pork belly with a wok

Frozen pork belly 2 catty

1. The pork, defrost in tap water.
2. The pork has been defrosted, pour away water. Rinse thoroughly.
3. Heat up a wok of water at high flame. Put pork in the wok. Add in:
a. Cooking salt 1 big tbsp
b. Shaoxing wine 3 tbsp
c. White vinegar 1 tbsp
Heat up at high flame. Turn to medium-low flame. Boil for 50 minutes.
4. Take out the pork. Rinse thoroughly. Dry with kitchen towels.
5. The pork, make several cuts vertically.
6. Prepare a glass ware. Add seasoning:
a. Chicken powder 1 tbsp
b. Light soya sauce 1 tbsp
c. Fish sauce 1 tbsp
c. Pepper appropriate amount
Mix well.
7. The pork, skin faces up. Put it in the seasoning. Season for 30 minutes or more. Put into freezer for an hour, in order to dehydration.
8. Use a stainless steel fork to lightly pinch holes on its skin evenly.
9. Brush little vinegar on the its skin.

1. Heat up 300ml of oil at high flame in wok.
2. Put pork in the wok, skin faces down. Fry at the lowest flame. Cover up the wok.
3. The pork has been fried for several minutes, turn off fire. Check if the skin has been turned into golden yellow.
4. Cover up the wok. Tilt the wok. Turn to the lowest flame to fry both ends of the pork well.
5. Both ends have been fried for several minutes, the skin has been turned totally golden yellow. Flip it over and continue frying. Cover it up and fry for several minutes.
6. The pork has been fried well, put on plate. Wait for cooling down.
7. The pork, cut into small pieces.
8. Can be served with wasabi.
9. Complete. Serve.

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