Capital Smart City Islamabad I BIGGEST NEWS OF THE YEAR I Overseas East Block I Meydaan Insights

Описание к видео Capital Smart City Islamabad I BIGGEST NEWS OF THE YEAR I Overseas East Block I Meydaan Insights

This video is about Capital Smart City Islamabad's Overseas East Block, Motorway Interchange Link Road Development, New Access For Overseas East block of Capital Smart City Islamabad members and clients and much more for clients & investor’s of Capital Smart City Islamabad.

Capital Smart City Islamabad established its name in ever-growing market when it comes to the amenities, state of the art infrastructure and quality services in no time in the region, In view of growing housing demand in twin cities, FDHL intends to build a quality housing project on M2 Motorway near New Islamabad International Airport.

Overseas East Block Capital Smart City Islamabad (0:00 - 0:58)
Overseas East Motorway Interchange Link Road (0:58 - 4:58)
Meydaan Insights Views on Overseas East Interchange Link Road (4:58 - 6:04)

#capitalsmartcity #meydaaninsights #muhammadshawaiz

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