Homeschool Spelling Curriculum Review (In Depth Flip Through)

Описание к видео Homeschool Spelling Curriculum Review (In Depth Flip Through)

SUBSCRIBE to Homeschool Joy!! Click Here ➡️ 🌼🌼🌼 In today's video, I am reviewing Spelling Workout curriculum. This spelling curriculum is what I have used over many many years as a homeschool mom with my own kiddos. I do an in depth flip through of both the student workbook and the Teacher's Edition (teacher guide) and show every aspect of this tried and true curriculum. Spelling is an important skill our kids must have, and Spelling Workout helps your kids to become strong spellers in a simple and effective way. Not to mention, it is super economical! If you are looking at homeschool spelling curriculums, this video is definitely one you need to watch. Thanks for being here!

00:00 Intro
00:45 Three things
01:00 The cost
01:27 Take a look
01:33 Student workbook
07:15 Teacher guide
12:38 Good question!

If we are meeting for the first time, hello! My name is Jana and I am passionate about helping parents find joy in their homeschooling journey and to help them learn how to homeschool. If I can homeschool, YOU can too!

I am a veteran homeschool mom of eight children that has been homeschooling for over twenty years. AND I am still homeschooling my youngest two! I truly appreciate you being here and I hope I can be of help in your homeschooling journey. 🌼

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