New Kodak Super 8 Movie Camera : Insane Price Tag!!!

Описание к видео New Kodak Super 8 Movie Camera : Insane Price Tag!!!

In this video I take a look at a new product from Kodak. It's hard to believe, but they just released a brand new Super 8 movie camera. In 2023! Yeah, I think many of us are still quite shocked. And one of the most shocking things about this camera is the price.

I have been a Super 8 enthusiast for much of my life. As I mention in the video, I can even recall when people were still using Super 8 as a home movie format. This was back in the 70s, and even well into the 80s. Eventually the format was cherished by independent movie makers. People who wanted the grit and cool factor of film, but on a limited budget. Super 8 was an affordable way to actually shoot a music video or short film with film. It was much cheaper than 16mm and definitely 35mm motion picture film stocks.

Super 8 exploded onto the scene in the 1960s, changing the way that movies were made. Artsy youth quickly embraced it as an accessible medium, enabling them to be as creative as they wanted. Suddenly filmmaking was much more accessible. Budding filmmakers with shoestring budgets could make a movie for very little money. The format has long been the staple of film students, and is still used by a plethora of underground filmmakers and music video producers.

But this new camera from Kodak seems to put Super 8 filmmaking in an entirely new realm. At this price, I can't imagine the everyday person with a keen interest in filmmaking being able to afford this. In this video, I talk about my issues with this camera, and how it seems to be making a once very accessible format very exclusive, and only in the realm of a chosen few.

I must say that I have never used this camera, so I cannot comment on its performance. But in this video I go over some specs that I have seen online, and many of its bells and whistles. It certainly does seem to be a brilliant combination of the classic and the latest cutting edge digital technology. But who can afford this type of tool? Not many, I don't think.

I would be happy to continue using my old Bell and Howell super 8 camera from the 70s. It still works great. Plus, I can record sound digitally, and synch it all up later during editing on my laptop. So, I can achieve the best aspects of the old and the new, but at a much lower price!

What do you think of this camera? Do you own it? How does it work? Are you a longtime fan of Super 8? Did you use it back in the day? Do you think the cost of this new camera is ridiculous? Feel free to leave a comment!

On this channel I post videos relating to retro and vintage technology. Things like cassettes, CDs, old cameras, laser disc, radios, TVs, DVDs, home recording gear, Radio Shack, microphones, mixers, synthesizers, drum machines, video games, and so much more. If this is your thing, please subscribe!


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