High Wheeler Crush - Shutter Crush 12 in Algodoo

Описание к видео High Wheeler Crush - Shutter Crush 12 in Algodoo

It's been a long time!
This is a high-wheeler crush, but instead of marbles, there are humanoid beings on penny-farthing bicycles!

Vote for one of the 20 penny-farthing humanoids.
In this video, we're playing High-Wheeler Crush - Shutter Crush 12 in Algodoo! This unique twist on the marble game is a lot of fun and is sure to keep you entertained for hours. If you're looking for a challenging race to participate in, let's see if the penny-farthing beings can finish the race!

In this High-Wheeler Crush video, we're taking on the infamous Shutter Crush 5 obstacle in Algodoo! The obstacles are tougher than they appear, and you will be amazed by the surprising outcomes!

(A Brief History of Penny-Farthings)
The penny-farthing, also known as a high-wheeler, was popular in the late 19th century. Characterized by its large front wheel and much smaller rear wheel, it was the first machine to be called a "bicycle." Invented in the 1870s, the penny-farthing became a symbol of the Victorian era's ingenuity and adventure spirit. Though eventually replaced by the safer "safety bicycle," the penny-farthing remains an iconic and fascinating piece of cycling history.

1. Song: NIVIRO - Demons [NCS Release]
2. Jonth & Hilefex - Non Stop [NCS Release]
3. Song: Max Brhon - Humanity [NCS Release]


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