Pastor J.R. Carlyle: "Jesus Is Missing!"

Описание к видео Pastor J.R. Carlyle: "Jesus Is Missing!"

Jesus Is Missing!          
Luke 2: 41 - 46

In this passage, we find a profound view of today’s church. 

–We see that it is the Feast of the Passover and it should be a constant practice to attend the gathering.

-Hebrews 10:25, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is;”

Many times our assemblies are just that—”assemblies”.

–we meet because of: custom, tradition, or program—mama, daddy, grandma, etc.---we have a position—looking for a church man/woman;

*And in our assemblies so often we find no peace, joy, love; but we do find confusion, chaos, envy, and jealousy.*

WHY? Because Jesus is missing!! 

-at conference or board meeting, church folks are arguing with each other;

-at choir practice, everyone wants to lead and no one wants to follow;

-in prayer group, no one to listen, but everyone wants to be heard;

WHY? Because Jesus is missing!! 
(Please view for the entire message!)

Thank you for your continued support!
Pastor Carlyle


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