Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II NES

Описание к видео Ironsword: Wizards & Warriors II NES

"Taking place after Wizards & Warriors, Kuros became hailed as the greatest warrior of all, due to defeating Malkil which caused his renown to spread far and wide. Because of his renown, he was summoned to the Kingdom of Sindarin, where the evil wizard Malkil has managed to survive and took on the shapes of the four elemental forms: Earth, Fire, Wind & Water.

Kuros must ask for help from the four Animal Kings in order to get him further into his quest as they ask him a specific item of value in turn he must find, succeeding in doing so allowed him to push on further to vanquish these elemental beings in order to assemble a legendary blade called The Ironsword in order to defeat Malkil once again, for that sword in hand he will take in his fated conflict at the top of IceFire Mountain."

-Heroes Wiki (

-3 deaths
-All special items obtained
-Pointers on secret rooms
-Optimal path taken


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