Mahabharatham 03/06/14

Описание к видео Mahabharatham 03/06/14

Mahabharatham | மகாபாரதம்!
Duryodhanan and Saguni are shocked to see the Pandavas alive!
Arjunan and Draupadi exchange their garlands and get blessings from their elders. Saguni tries to stir up all the princes against Arjunan. Karnan stops Duryodhanan from hurting Arjunan as it is not the right time. Bheeman crumbles down the arena so the princes won't come nigh them. Duryodhanan lets Arjunan leave the arena as he has won. Krishnan gives Draupadi five stones as a gift. What use will these five stones be?


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