Bundespolizei Einsatzfahrzeuge (Photo Slideshow) | German Federal Police vehicles [2011 - 2013]

Описание к видео Bundespolizei Einsatzfahrzeuge (Photo Slideshow) | German Federal Police vehicles [2011 - 2013]

Slideshow of dozens of different vehicles from the German Federal Police from all around the country. There should be 137 pictures in this video. I took them from my Google+ page where I've created an album for those with a total of 326 pictures (as of 3/10/16), here's the link: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/1147479...
The German Federal Police is primary responsible for the German Railroad and border areas but also provide riot police backup. They normally patrol in Volkswagen T5 vans, T5 K9 units and a few cars. All the other vehicles in the video are used for large events and riot police backup.
Here's a list of what you can see in the video:
-(patrol) vans of different makes and models
-documentation units
-command units
-utility vehicles
-K9 vans
-unmarked vehicles
-water tankers/ cannons
-armored vehicles
-its own EMS

Tip: You can change the speed of the video in the video settings on the lower right of the video player.
All of the pictures were taken in Dresden during several soccer games and a few demonstrations.

Got any questions? Ask ;)

Dresden, Sachsen, Germany, 2011 - 2013.


Zu sehen sind zahlreiche Fahrzeuge der Bundespolizei aus meinem Google+ Album: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/1147479...
Im allgemeinen sind hier:
-verschiedene Streifenwagen und Vans
-Beweissicherungs und Dokumentationsfahrzeuge
-Kommandowagen/ Einsatzleitwagen/ Einsatzleitfahrzeuge
-diverse LKW/ Vans für Transport von Gegenständen (z. B. mobile Zäune)
-Hundeautos/ Fahrzeuge für Polizeihunde
-Autos/ PKW
-unbeklebte Einsatzfahrzeuge
-Räumfahrzeuge/ gepanzerte Fahrzeuge
-eigener Rettungsdienst

Alle Bilder wurden in Dresden bei mehreren Fußballspielen und Demonstrationen aufgenommen.

Dresden, Sachsen, Deutschland, 2011 - 2013.


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