夏至.把生活過成詩 Summer Solstice Life Aesthetics

Описание к видео 夏至.把生活過成詩 Summer Solstice Life Aesthetics

#關琬潼 #ShadowKwan | #創作者日常 #Creatorsdaily


關琬潼(Shadow),「生活美學空間」創辦人和創作總監、生活美學企業家、多個生活風格品牌主理人、作家、美食設計師、料理人、花者、茶人、佛朗明哥學習者…二十年來,有著不同身份。生活忙碌,更要有序。Shadow 喜歡依節氣過生活,感受季節變化,順應自然。2023 夏至,她特別創作影片《夏至.把生活過成詩》,分享在夏日中,如何把生活過成詩。

Bring a cane to enjoy coolness around willow trees, sit on a chair and draw the southside of the bridge. Boat horns rise unevenly under the bright moon, lotus flowers in the pond spread pleasant aroma when the wind gradually stopped.
"Enjoy the Coolness" Song Dynasty . Qin Guan

Shadow Kwan Yuen-Tung, The founder & creative director of "Aesthetic Lifestyle Atelier", Life Aesthetic Entrepreneur, Owner of multiple lifestyle brands, writer, gourmet designer, chef, flower artist, tea artist, flamenco learner…has had different identities in the past 20 years. Life is busy, which requires more orderliness. Shadow likes to live according to the solar terms, feel the changes of seasons, and follow nature. 2023 Summer Solstice, she specially created the video "Summer Solstice Life Aesthetics" to share how to live a poetic life in summer.


《夏至》優惠碼 "Summer Solstice Life Aesthetics" Promo Code︰SSSP2023

0:28 日本織品設計師真木千秋 https://bit.ly/3NfUkj7

0:55 琉璃藝術品牌琉璃工房 https://bit.ly/449fkyH

1:17 日本花藝大師川瀨敏郎 https://bit.ly/3JosOik

2:51 以 Shadow 精選日本亞麻製品…在夏日享受清爽觸感
@SP Dance

3:15 日本工藝大師三谷龍二 https://bit.ly/46cgueO

以 Shadow 精選陶器…發現細節中的美和幸福
Discover beauty & happiness from details with Shadow’s selection of potteries
@SP Dance

4:06 芬蘭殿堂玻璃藝術品牌 littala https://bit.ly/42QVSWr
芬蘭設計巨匠 Alvar Aalto https://bit.ly/46hTIlR

4:14 台灣茶藝文化美學品牌自慢堂 https://bit.ly/46eeORW

4:29 日本玻璃藝術家辻和美 https://bit.ly/3PnE42g

5:25 以 Shadow 自家調配茗茶…享受一泡茶湯的幸福
SP - Simply Pleasure《茶詩》、《祝安好》茗茶系列,由曾擔任香港貿易發展局舉辦的「國際茶評比賽」評判、在香港嶺南大學主持生活美學及美食鑒賞課的 SP 創辦人 Shadow 自家調配創作。願各位以茶…迎來詩意生活

適用於 SP 網店、門店、專櫃,有效期至2023年8月31日


Enjoy happiness from tea with Shadow’s house-blend tea
SP - Simply Pleasure "Tea Poetry" & “Wish U Well” tea collections are created & house-blended by Shadow, the SP founder who served as the judge of the "International Tea Competition" organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, and shared life aesthetics & food appreciation in classes at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. May everyone welcome a poetic life with tea

Enjoy 15% off on SP “Tea Poetry” & “Wish U Well” gift collections with promo code "SSSP2023". Applicable to SP e-shop, stores and counters. Valid until 31 Aug 2023

SP “Tea Poetry” Gift Collection: https://bit.ly/3JoCo4S
SP “Wish U Well” Gift Collection: https://bit.ly/3PqFj0v

7:27 以茶席、花境、茶與茶食餐單…享受生活的詩意
Enjoy the poetry of life with tea ceremonies, floral scenes and tea & food pairing menus

場地 Venue︰SP Senses

1/ SP Floral & Tea Garden 二人下午茶 Afternoon Tea Set for 2
餐單 Menu︰https://bit.ly/43PMHqG
原價 Original Price︰$398
憑優惠碼 with promo code "SSSP2023"︰HK$328
Applicable to Monday to Friday, except public holidays. Plus 10% service charge. Valid until 31 Aug 2023

2/ 以專屬您的私人活動…分享您的優雅氣質
Share your elegance with your exclusive events. Perfect for hosting gatherings, wedding banquets, workshops, seminars, photo/video shootings…

詳情 Details︰https://bit.ly/3pbAX2L

Enjoy HK$500 cash discount for each event with the promo code "SSSP2023" until 31 Aug 2023

8:00 美國著名生活家電品牌 Homedics https://bit.ly/441kAVc

8:27《一刻.時光》樊凱儀 x 關琬潼 藝術雙人展 https://bit.ly/46d3Jk8

9:07 SP《茶詩》Peace of Mind 玫瑰蝶豆花白茶茶袋禮盒

多謝觀賞!Thanks for watching!

與 Shadow … 一同普及生活美學
Shadow 創辦和出任創作總監的「生活美學空間 Aesthetic Lifestyle Atelier」,提供品牌合作、品牌創新、美食設計、美學創作服務。
Popularize Life Aesthetics with Shadow
Aesthetic Lifestyle Atelier, founded by Shadow and she is serving as the creative director, provides brand collaboration, brand innovation, gourmet design & aesthetic creations services.

For any inquiries or cooperation, please contact us via email [email protected]

進一步了解 Shadow 如何過詩意生活 ? 歡迎透過以下平台與她聯繫︰
Would like to know more about how Shadow lives a poetic life? Please connect with her via platforms below:

訂閱 Subscribe YouTube: @shadowkwanyuentung
Facebook:   / shadow.love.bliss  
Instagram:   / al_atelier_  


監製 / 導演 / 美學指導 / 花境設計 Producer / Director / Artistic Director / Floral Artist :關琬潼 Shadow Kwan

導演 / 攝影師 / 後期製片 Director of Photography / Camera / Post-production :張浩正 Joshua Cheung

©️ Aesthetic Lifestyle Atelier 2023 All Rights Reserved

#aestheticlifestyleatelier #生活美學空間 #aestheticlifestyle​ #lifeaesthetics #茶藝 #茶席 #茶道 #茶席花 #花藝 #花境 #陶器 #創作​ #藝術​ #生活分享​ #生活​ #生活美學​ ​#tea #teaceremony #floralart #ceramic #pottery​ #art #creative​ #creativestudio​ #simplypleasure​​ #花道​ #生け花​ #はな


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