Syntropic Garden - Dryland Agroforestry in Southeast Portugal

Описание к видео Syntropic Garden - Dryland Agroforestry in Southeast Portugal

Syntropic Garden is a documentary with pedagogical purposes, made in the context of the trAEce project for teaching about Agroecology.
Filmed in Mértola, 2021.

Director, Image and Editing: Sara De Sousa Correia

Sound recording: Luiz Gabriel Lopes

Soundtrack: Criança Boa (instrumental version) de Luiz Gabriel Lopes

Producer: Miguel Encarnação

Road Producer: Frederica Teixeira

Executive Producer: Horstink Lanka

Production: Liquen Filmes

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


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