暴雨襲擊山東!8月4日午後,暴雨突襲山東…天氣預報沒有雨結果是暴雨…年年修年年補就是這結果?武城的天漏了?橋洞子水滿了…街道變成黑水河了!Heavy rainstorm hits Shandong!

Описание к видео 暴雨襲擊山東!8月4日午後,暴雨突襲山東…天氣預報沒有雨結果是暴雨…年年修年年補就是這結果?武城的天漏了?橋洞子水滿了…街道變成黑水河了!Heavy rainstorm hits Shandong!

感謝關注!🙏🏻感恩! 蓋著的中國裡,水災還在橫行… On the afternoon of August 4th, a heavy rainstorm suddenly struck Shandong... The weather forecast predicted no rain, but it ended up being a heavy downpour... Is this the result of annual repairs and maintenance? Has the sky leaked in Wucheng? The bridge tunnels are filled with water... The streets have turned into a black river! #中國 #中國百姓紀實 #中國百姓 #底層 #底層百姓 #中国 #中国社会问题 #平凡百姓紀實 #水災 #山東 #China #ChinesePeopleDocumentary #ChinesePeople #Grassroots #GrassrootsPeople #ChineseSocialIssues #OrdinaryPeopleDocumentary #Flood #Shandong


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