Tenno Heika Banzai Compilation 1940 - 2019

Описание к видео Tenno Heika Banzai Compilation 1940 - 2019

Part2    • Tenno Heika Banzai Compilation 1983 -...  

“Tenno Heika Banzai” (Long live His Majesty the Emperor or Hurray His Majesty the Emperor) was a word which was created in modern Japan.
February 11, 1889, on the day of promulgation of the constitution, first Tenno Heika Banzai was given for Emperor Meiji.
This word was widely used in Empire of Japan.
After WW2, it has been used only in the ceremony of the Emperor.

The details are as follows.

1940: The commemorative ceremony for the 2,600th year of the founding of Japan

1942: The commemorative ceremony for the 10th year of the founding of Manchukuo

1942: National assembly commemorating first anniversary of Greater East Asia War (Pacific War)

1943: The farewell party held before the departure of students for the battlefront

1943: The Greater East Asia national assembly

1944: “Destroy United States and British Empire” national assembly

1946: Tokyo citizen commemoration ceremony of promulgation of the constitution

1976: The commemoration ceremony of the 50th anniversary of His Majesty the Emperor’s accession to the throne

1986: The commemoration ceremony of the 60th anniversary of His Majesty the Emperor’s accession to the throne

1990: The ceremony of the accession to the throne

2009: The national celebration for the 20th anniversary of His Majesty The Emperor's accession to the throne

2019: The commemoration ceremony of the 30th anniversary of His Majesty the Emperor’s accession to the throne

2019: The ceremony of the accession to the throne

The long version which summarizes the background of each scene is as follows.

WW2 :    • Compilation of Japanese WWII Ceremonies  
1946 - 2019:   • Compilation of Japanese Ceremonies 19...  


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