Tanoto Scholars Virtual Gathering 2020 Day #1

Описание к видео Tanoto Scholars Virtual Gathering 2020 Day #1

Tanoto Scholars Gathering 2020 diikuti 316 peserta dari 17 perguruan tinggi, baik di Indonesia maupun luar negeri. Untuk pertama kalinya, acara tahunan ini digelar dalam format virtual namun tak mengurangi kesemarakan dan antusiasme peserta. Sesi inspirational talk yang menghadirkan tokoh-tokoh yang sukses di bidangnya menjadi acara yang paling ditunggu-tunggu peserta. Selain itu, ada sesi workshop untuk mengasah soft skills dan sesi virtual industrial visit untuk memperkenalkan peserta dengan dunia kerja dan praktik-praktik sustainability dalam bisnis.

HARI PERTAMA #TSG2020 menghadirkan pembicara antara lain:
• Anderson Tanoto, Direktur RGE dan Anggota Board of Trustees Tanoto Foundation
• Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D, Rektor Institut Teknologi Bandung
• Desy Ratnasari, Anggota Komisi X DPR RI
• Merry Riana, Entrepreneur, Influencer and Educator
• Winston Utomo, Founder dan CEO IDN Media
• J. Ansye Sopacua, Ph.D., SDG Advisor UNDP/Direktur SDG Academy Indonesia


The 2020 Tanoto Scholars Gathering attended by 316 participants from 17 universities, both in Indonesia and abroad. For the first time, this annual event was held in a virtual format but did not diminish the excitement and enthusiasm of the participants. The inspirational talk that presented successful figures in their fields was the most awaited session, also workshop sessions to hone Scholars soft skills and a virtual industrial visit session to introduce participants to the world of work and sustainability practices in business.

FIRST DAY of #TSG2020 features:
• Anderson Tanoto, RGE Director and Member of Tanoto Foundation's Board of Trustees
• Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D, Rector of Rector of Bandung Institute of Technology
• Desy Ratnasari, Parliament Member
• Merry Riana, Entrepreneur, Influencer and Educator
• Winston Utomo, Founder and CEO of IDN Media
• J. Ansye Sopacua, Ph.D., SDG Advisor UNDP/Director of SDG Academy Indonesia

Tanoto Foundation is an independent philanthropic organization founded by Sukanto Tanoto and Tinah Bingei Tanoto based on the belief that every person should have the opportunity to realize his or her full potential. Tanoto Foundation started its work in 1981 when our founders established a kindergarten and elementary school in Besitang, North Sumatra.

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