New Discovery! Elvis Executes Cassandra De Vries on Attack Ship if Saved! - Perfect Dark on Xbox One

Описание к видео New Discovery! Elvis Executes Cassandra De Vries on Attack Ship if Saved! - Perfect Dark on Xbox One

If you've played Perfect Dark then you probably already know that Cassandra walks to her death on Attack Ship, however; while using some unlockable cheats codes I was finally able to save Cassandra De Vries only to find out that Elvis will kill her execution style..

If you've played Perfect Dark then you probably already know that Cassandra walks to her death on Attack Ship, however; while using some unlockable cheats codes I was finally able to save Cassandra De Vries and if you bring Elvis with you, he will outright just kill her..

To pull this off, you need the cheats All Weapons and No Reloads. You simply use the Combat Boost to reach Cassandra in slow motion and then punch her, however; you MUST hit her with the Psychosis Gun BEFORE she finishes hitting the ground. This will cause Cassandra to stand back up during her fall down animation. If you target her you'll notice she is marked red as an enemy which is why Elvis will shoot her on sight. Note : I'd recommend also turning on the Hurricane Fists cheat as well as the Cloaking Device and Super Shield.


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