NK Music - Sagittarius [Full LoFi BeatTape]

Описание к видео NK Music - Sagittarius [Full LoFi BeatTape]

1. eupheme (feat. mariussax) 0:00
2. narvi 3:41
3. titan 6:56
4. before all of this 10:45
5. cyllene (feat. mariussax) 13:37
6. eugenia (feat. mariussax) 17:25
7. telesto (feat. mariussax) 20:55

sax players :
  / marius_tra  
  / iansmithsax  

listen on spotify ⇒ https://open.spotify.com/album/7BuSyJ...

link to store ⇒ https://nkmusicbeats.beatstars.com/

email me at [email protected] for inquiries/questions

artwork by ⇒   / handleofiron  

  / n.kmusic  
  / nkmusicbeats  

#NKMusic #BeatTape #LofiBeatTape


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