Fair Trade Coffee: How to buy fair trade coffee

Описание к видео Fair Trade Coffee: How to buy fair trade coffee


You've heard the term 'fair trade' but do you know what it means? Organic food expert and environmentalist Anna Lappe explains why she believes it's important to buy fair trade coffee, and how to find it.

How to buy fair trade coffee

What is fair trade coffee?
Basically, fair trade means the farmer who produced the product got a fair price for it. This is very important for the livelihood of coffee farmers. Millions of coffee farmers can barely feed their families because they get almost no money for their coffee beans unless its fair trade.

How do you find it? Look for the black and white fair trade logo which is marked on all fair trade coffee and fair trade coffee beans at every Starbucks, although you may have to ask for it.

Supermarkets are beginning to carry it as well, in many cases. If you dont find it, ask your grocer for it. Sometimes it just takes some customer requests.

Every time you buy a fair trade coffee beans you can feel good knowing that you're contributing to farming communities around the planet.


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