Slow Motion Recurve Bow pressure button and arrow interactions

Описание к видео Slow Motion Recurve Bow pressure button and arrow interactions

An educational video demonstrating how changing the pressure on a recurve bow pressure button changes the way stiff, matched, and weak arrows behave while the arrow is being released and as they pass the bow.
While powder tests and bareshaft tuning show an archer where the arrow is hitting the bow and how to fix it, it's useful to be able to slow the arrow down and watch what happens.

The weakest and stiffest arrows shown here were about 3 spine groups away from the correct spine - so the difference seen is much more visible than would be expected for arrows that are only slightly too stiff or weak.
While other archer-specific factors also affect arrow behaviour, the changes that occur when changing the arrow stiffness or button pressure should be fairly representative of what would be expected for other people.

The silver lines on some of the arrows indicate the center of mass and positions of the vibration nodes of the 1st harmonic, while the copper tape was added to balance out arrows that were slightly lighter. Neither of those is relevant to this video.

Filmed at 1000 fps using a Sony RX100 IV.
Voiceover by    / @gilesbarton-owen6783  


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