10 Chicago Suburbs with the Best Downtowns

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🏡 In this video we go over the 10 Chicago Suburbs with the Best Downtowns

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There are plenty of cool suburbs of Chicago, but which have the best downtowns? If that’s a question you’ve been asking yourself, then you’re in the right place. We’re here to count down the best Chicago suburbs with downtowns for your convenience.

Sure, Chicago has a downtown, but it’s massive and often out of the way of many suburbs. You can’t beat a quaint suburb with a stellar downtown filled with great restaurants and entertainment.

Learn our picks for the top 10 best suburbs of Chicago with downtowns

00:00 10 Chicago Suburbs with the Best Downtowns
00:43 Glen Ellyn
01:14 Oak Park
02:03 Aurora
02:45 Wheaton
03:13 Geneva
04:02 Arlington Heights
04:38 Elmhurst
05:26 Downers Grove
06:12 Naperville
06:52 Evanston

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🏠🏠 #chicagosuburbs #bestchicagosuburbs #bestchicagosuburbdowntowns 🏠🏠


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