Veronica Santangelo and the bad, and the decent, and the worse. Fallout New Vegas Part 23!

Описание к видео Veronica Santangelo and the bad, and the decent, and the worse. Fallout New Vegas Part 23!

I decided to meet up with Veronica- a scavenger for the Brotherhood of Steel.
It's a simple thing to ask for, but I had to look up a guide to figure out which triggers worked.
But when it came to the quest, I couldn't help but try my best to do the quest for her sake.
She had plans, and she was willing to help the Brotherhood no matter what- and Elder MacNamara was being a stubborn fuck for refusing otherwise.
That- and midway through recording I left ED-E with the Followers of the Apocalypse since I knew the Brotherhood of Steel owed me enough already.
It was prior to last episode when his transmissions activated, between the Brotherhood and the Followers, so I had to pick eventually.
And when it all came to an end? Vero ended up heartbroken since she tried to leave the Brotherhood to help the Followers- and they died for it. Had to kill the hitsquad sent after us.
I decided to make up for it- I'd get her a dress.
She was overjoyed- she was happy for that slight moment.
I could exhale- knowing I helped her, despite what happened- and I got new weapons and armor- free of corpse.
Recorded on Nov. 5, 2021.


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